Telin is committed to upholding good corporate governance practices consistently to ensure the delivery of the best services to our customers.
Telin recognizes the significance of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in enabling excellent business practices and attaining its vision of becoming Digital infrastructure and platform partner of choice for Enterprise and Hyperscaler Growth in Asia-Pacific. As such, the company is firmly committed to implementing and continuously enhancing its corporate governance system and quality through adherence to best practices and principles.
In line with this, Telin actively promotes the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness throughout all levels of the organization. The company strongly believes that GCG should form the cornerstone of its daily operations, serving as a fundamental pillar to support the growth and sustainability of its business.
Telin has implemented a Corporate Governance Code as established by the Regulation of the Board of the Directors of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Number: 172 / HK.250 / TII-10 / II / 2018 concerning Ratification of Telkom's GCG Management Policy at Telin Group. The purpose of GCG is to ensure that the company is managed professionally and independently, adds value to customers, and ensure the achievement of the Company's goals and sustainability.
Telin's Good Corporate Governance Code regulates the following in general:
Guidelines for the distribution of duties and division of authority of members of the Board of Directors in the management of the Company, are set forth in the Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations, while continuing to uphold the principle of prudence.
Guidelines for the affiliated relationship between Telin and its subsidiaries are integrated within the established goals of Telin Group, in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance and best practices, as well as the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
This is in accordance with the Directors' Regulation of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Number: PD.56/HK.000/TII-10/III/2017 concerning Board of Directors Charter.
Matters regulated in Telin's Board Charter are as follows:
In order to improve the company’s ability to adapt to changes in the external environment, professional management is needed which upholds the principles of good governance. The principles of good governance are upheld by ensuing that the behaviour of employees, leaders and related parties are always compliant with ethics.
Ethics is a fundamental aspect and spirit we believe will function as our barometer in carrying out daily tasks, both for employees in the form of Work Ethics, and as part of the Company in the form of Business Ethics. Telin has implemented PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Board of Directors' Regulation Number: PD.173 / HK.250 / TII-10/2018 concerning Ratification of Telkom's Business Ethics Policy at Telin Group. This ratification is a form of alignment with the corporate governance policies that are in effect in Telkom Group.
The principles of the code of conduct that it regulates includes:
Every year, Telin certifies all employees regarding their understanding of GCG, business ethics, integrity pacts, fraud, risk management, internal control, whistleblowing, prohibition on gratuities, IT governance, information security practices and other matters integrated with governance practices and the management of the company. After certifying, all employees are required to sign an integrity pact as part of their commitment to be willing to comply with and apply applicable laws and regulations.
In order to improve the company’s ability to adapt to changes in the external environment, professional management is needed which upholds the principles of good governance. The principles of good governance are upheld by ensuing that the behavior of employees, leaders and related parties are always compliant with ethics.
Ethics is a fundamental aspect and spirit we believe will function as our barometer in carrying out daily tasks, both for employees in the form of Work Ethics, and as part of the Company in the form of Business Ethics. Telin has implemented PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Board of Directors' Regulation No: PD.173 / HK.250 / TII-10/2018 concerning Ratification of Telkom's Business Ethics Policy at Telin Group. This ratification is a form of alignment with the corporate governance policies that are in effect in Telkom Group.
Accordance with the Directors' Regulation of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International No PD Number: 201.03/r.00/HK250/COP-B0400000/2020 concerning Core Values AKHLAK Telkom Group, Telin rafity the regulation that described on PD Number: PD.203/PS.000/TII-10/XI/2020 concerning Telin Group Core Values AKHLAK and PD Number: PD.204/PS.000/TII-10/XI/2020, that instruct Telkom Group and its Subsidiaries or Affiliates to Adopt Core Values AKHLAK which is Core Values BUMN, to be Core Values in each entity which fully implemented without any reduction or addition of Core Values.
AKHLAK is core value of Indonesia’s Stated-Owned Company, consist of Amanah (Trustworthy), Kompeten (Competent), Harmonis (Harmony), Loyal (Loyal), Adaptif (Adaptive), and Kolaboratif (Collaborative).
Telin carried out good governance for the sake of the Company's operations in accordance with business ethics applicable in Indonesia and globally. One form of the implementation of governance is to carry out a Gratuity process that is reasonable and appropriate in order to avoid fraud, which can cause harm to the Company and stakeholders. This is in accordance with the Directors' Regulation of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Number: PD.168 / PS.000 / TII-10 / IX / 2019 concerning Control of Corporate Gratuities. The Gratification Control Regulations are carried out to fulfill the Company's commitment to always serve all stakeholders well.
Telin applies a whistleblowng system to prevent, identify and detect the possibility of fraud and violations of applicable regulations. The whistleblower system is well prepared and will provide certainty protection to the witness or reporter for an indication of violations committed by employees or management. With the existence of the whistleblower system. This is in accordance with the Directors' Regulation of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International No: KD.023/HK.200/TII-10/I/2017 concerning Stipulation of Enactment of Regulation of Board Directors of Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. Number: PD.618.000/R.00/HK200/COP-C0000000 Concerning Policy of Procedure for Whistleblowing Handling at PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International and Consolidated Subsidiaries.
The Whistleblower System regulates types of violations that can be reported, complaints procedure & system, protection and guarantee of the confidentiality of the reporter, complaints handling, parties managing complaints, and the results of handling and follow-up complaints.
Terms and requirement: Must be written; Contains the identity of the reporter; Contains information that provides clues about the problem; Information must be supported by sufficient and reliable evidence.
According to Vision and Mission and Corporate Culture AKHLAK, Telin has a high commitment and determination to provide the best to Stakeholders. This is in accordance with the Directors' Regulation of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International Number: PD.137/HK.200/TII-10/X/2021 concerning Occupational Health and Safety Management System.To actualize the commitment and determination, Telin stipulates the Occupational Health and Safety Policy (“OHS Policy”), management of the Company will constantly improve the Telin’s performance by implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) through continuous improvement consistently in settle internal and external issues through the followings:
Telin CEO is one of the top management that holding responsibility for OHS including the formulation, development and implementation of this OHS Policy in the workplaces. For the implementation, it is required cooperative action and support by other Directors, all officials and employees of the Company, including contractors and visitors. Telin CEO will ensure that the OHS policy is reviewed periodically and to ensure that it remains relevant and fit to the organization of the Company.Telin OHS Policy will be communicated to all parties working for and under the control of the Company, and Telin OHS Policy document will be made available to interested parties on request.